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Car tuning accessories


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KITT Tuning is a high-performance after market tuning company that was established in 2007 based on the initiative of the company's founders' to bring superior quality automotive tuning parts and exclusive models to the market.

The initial desire of the young entrepreneurs to personalize the characteristics of their vehicles to their preferences by tuning their own cars inspired them to develop and expand a serious and successful business dedicated to improve the aerodynamic performance of the vehicles.


Over time, KITT Tuning has put the milestones to long term relationships with reputable manufacturers that are active for decades in the auto parts industry. The company’s products portfolio includes wide range of certified quality tuning car parts that are based on the newest technologies and the latest models in auto market. The final outcome of assembling innovative and up-to-date car tuning parts results in tuned cars that stand out for their subtle elegance and high-class performance.


Due to a notable commitment of offering to its customers top products at competitive prices, quality services and rapid availability and leveraging on a comprehensive inventory covering tuning car parts for all makes and models, the company started since 2012 to develop its market place from the European countries to far away countries from United States of America and Australia. KITT Tuning Top 3 Buyer Countries in 2017 are Italy, France, Germany.




The team is formed out of 35 young hardworking members who have as their common interest the passion for cars, contributing to the growth of the business and influence the future of the car tuning.  Dedications, commitment to quality service, high level of professionalism characterize our team and underlie company’s success in the car tuning industry.


Quality - selling only Brand New Products of high quality that will surely suit customers’ needs

Professionalism - professional services and customer service excellence, pre and after sale

High standard services: Fast Shipping->1 working day Dispatch & Returns in 14 days & Money Back Guarantee & Secure Payments via PayPal, Bank Transfer, Credit Card Payments 

Dedication – we always perform our work with passion and fully dedicated to what we do

car parts tuning

OUR 2022 AIM

2022 is forecasted to be a crucial year for the auto industry so that KITT Tuning aims great attention at its Marketing Strategy, promoting some tried-and-true ways to achieve sustained success: Build trust with customer reviews; Be at the top of the Google SERP; Adjust campaign budgets based on latest car tuning market trends; Target the right consumers with tailored made marketing campaigns; Compel shoppers to come into on-line store with unique offers.